Here at The Family Works

we believe in nurturing resilience and understanding in every family we serve. Through a blend of empathy, education, and evidence-based strategies, we aim to provide a supportive framework for families to heal, grow, and thrive.

We're committed to walking alongside families on their journey towards healing, offering unwavering support and understanding every step of the way.

Trauma Informed Practice

is a compassionate approach that acknowledges the widespread impact of trauma on individuals, families, and communities. It emphasises creating safe and supportive environments where people feel understood, validated, and empowered.

Our dedicated team members

are equipped with comprehensive training in trauma and mental health awareness, ensuring that we provide the highest standard of care to the families we serve.

Through ongoing education and professional development, our team members gain the necessary skills and knowledge to recognise the signs of trauma and mental health challenges, and to respond with sensitivity and empathy.

This training empowers our staff to create safe and supportive environments where families feel understood, validated, and supported in their healing journey.

By being trauma and mental health informed, our team is better equipped to address the complex needs of families, offering tailored support that promotes resilience and fosters positive outcomes.